Baby's first birthday is arguably one of the biggest birthday parties you'll plan. Whether you have a small party or a big one, there's a lot to plan! Instead of getting a hodge-podge of random gifts that they may or may not use, I recommend creating a wish list. This can also help you get ideas for your own purchases for a 1st birthday party.
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In this blog, I'll highlight a few of the gift options I've chosen,
The most common gift for kids is toys. Kids learn so much just through playing! Try to aim for some developmentally appropriate toys that will benefit their learning. We use the Lovevery subscription boxes that send us developmentally appropriate toys! But there are also ways to find your own. Here are some toys to consider:

-Puzzles: The great thing about puzzles is that they're fun for kids to do, but they can also teach or reinforce a variety of different concepts like numbers, the alphabet, their names, different farm animals, shapes, colors, etc.
-Busy boards: along with puzzles, are busy boards. These are boards that have tasks or trinkets on them to keep toddlers busy! This one has a zipper, shoe laces, buckle clasp, switches, and more! This would also be a great investment for car rides and traveling.
-Play sets: Some great play set options would be a nurse's kit with all of their utensils like a stethoscope, play shots, blood pressure cuff, etc., or even a musical instrument set with a tambourine, triangle, and other instruments. These are great for encouraging creativity!
-Activity Cube: I love activity cubes! You've probably seen these in a Dentist's or Dr.'s office as a kid. Each side of the cube has a different activity, and there are usually a bunch of different ones to choose from. This is also an educational toy option that will offer lots of playtime.
Outdoor Products

Playing outdoors is about to get a lot more fun! Here are some products to keep in mind while soaking in some Vitamin D.
-Training tricycle: I like how this one has a handle for you to hold onto and help push.
-Stroller fan: If you haven't already invested in a stroller fan, I highly recommend it! This one has bendable legs to attach anywhere, or you can just stand it up.
-Sports items: Playing sports games can increase coordination and other important skills. Basketball hoops, soccer goals, t-ball sets, whatever your favorite sport is!
Furniture/Big items
You're entering a new phase of toddlerhood. Here are some bigger items and furniture ideas that will grow with them for the next few years.
-Toddler table and chairs: This will be great for arts and crafts, having a snack at, or just playing with toys. The possibilities are endless. They'll love having their own table and chairs that are their size!
-Creative play: These are items that your child can use their imagination to play with, like a kitchen set, grocery store items like a cash register or shopping cart, a play set of cleaning supplies (mop, broom, dust pan), or wardrobe for dress up clothes. It's fun to see kids model what they experience in life through play. It also lets them practice some of those practical skills and get creative.

-Bookshelf: Your child will start really enjoying reading books and being read to. Look into getting a bigger bookshelf to accommodate the influx of books you'll most likely start collecting. You can also use a bookshelf to store some of their favorite toys where they can access them easily.
-Indoor Climber Options- You can't play outside ALL the time. Kids have tons of energy, and having a climber or jungle gym inside will allow them a safe and fun release of some of that energy. Plus, it helps them practice coordination and other developmental skills with the safety of being on a cushioned surface like a carpet or play mat. We love playing on this one already (here is an option on Amazon). You can also find soft climbing options like a Nugget or SoftScape Play set that doubles as a building toy.
There's just something about baby clothes. They're adorable, and typically, everyone loves to gift them! Here are some things to ask for specifically in order to get the most use out of them:
-Seasonal Clothing: Your baby is exiting the "baby stage" and will be more active this year than they were last. They'll need extra seasonal items that might not have been necessary last year, like a baby bunting/snowsuit or new swimsuits and life jackets, depending on what season your little one was born in.
-Clothes to grow into: While babies won't be growing out of their clothing quite as fast as they were in their first year of life, try asking for a range of different sizes that will get them through the next year.
-Shoes: Exciting things are right around the corner like WALKING! Up until now, shoes haven't really been a necessity because your little one has been held and carried everywhere. Look into a few good pairs of shoes to put on your list. Keep in mind that your baby's feet are still growing and developing. It's important to me to find shoes with a large toe box which gives their little feet to form naturally rather than forming to the shape of the shoe. Check out this blog post for more information on finding the best shoes!
Whether you started solids at an early age or not, your child will soon be eating alongside you at every meal! Here are some great gift options to think about:

-Dishes: You might already have some basic kid's bowls/utensils, but soon you might need to add a lunch box to the list. Whether your child is in daycare or stays at home with you, a lunchbox will come in handy to pack their meals or even snacks. They will also start drinking more and need their own cups. I really like these mason jar cups. They have a silicone lid and sleeve. I also like that this can be used with a straw, drinking lid, or even used as a food storage container.
-Kitchen help: If you haven't noticed yet, we're using a Montessori approach with Adalynn. This means that we want her to learn through experiencing different things at her own pace. Which also goes hand in hand with our Baby Led Weaning experience! I found these kid-friendly kitchen utensils and knife set for Addy to help prepare her own food. I also plan on having a Learning Tower for her to be able to reach the sink or countertops as she gets a little older.
If you're living more of a minimalistic lifestyle, experiences can be GREAT gift ideas. Instead of a bunch of toys that will get played with a few times, try asking family members to gift a meaningful "non-tangible" gift like a membership to your local zoo or aquarium. Another great idea would be swim lessons which is a gift that would keep on giving!
This is not really an experience, but I just loved it so much that I wanted to add it here. Having a Family Photo Album is a great way to practice identifying members of your family. This is especially great for family that you don't get to see as often as you'd like. You can create a book with a service like Shutterfly or just print off pictures and stick them in a Photo Album.
Leave a comment of your must-haves for your baby's 1st birthday!
Always, Jess
L E T ' S B E F R I E N D S!

Hi Friends! I'm Jessica Haizman. I'm 28 years old and married to my best friend. We spend 98% of our time together, and no, we don't spend it all cleaning and organizing. I have a daughter, Adalynn, and an Australian Shepherd, Bali, and they get the majority of my attention.
I have created efficient systems in all areas of our home, our phone, our careers, and our lives- and I have made it my mission to share these tips with anyone and everyone who will listen.
Why? Because these systems make my life SO MUCH EASIER and SAVE ME SO MUCH TIME. These systems keep my home clean, bring joy and calmness into my life, and allow me to spend less time picking up clutter and more time living life- I want that for you too.
The goal is to help, whether it's a quick tip or life hack that I share to Tiktok or a day in the life on my social networks @jessicahaizman, a printable chart that helps me stay organized, or my all-time favorite apps, an intensive course answering all the FAQ's or working 1:1 with clients to create healthy habits- these resources are all available to you!
Some things you will stumble upon are how I use non-toxic natural cleaners and have made the change to no-waste by switching to reusable towels instead of paper or glass storage containers instead of ziplocks. You will also find lots of DIY recipes and how to use common household ingredients like baking soda, white vinegar, and hot water to tackle some of your toughest messes. You'll learn about my favorite cleaning supplies and cleaning products, including all-purpose cleaners, glass cleaners, stain removers, and more.
Having a clean home drastically affects your physical and mental health, so jump on board and learn all the tips I have to share! Take the time to explore my website and interact with me on social media. I'm so excited to see how organization and a new approach to cleaning the home will change your life and leave you full of joy!